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8 Top Crypto Incubators For Africans


Over the years, incubators have proven their worth in the business world. They have helped start-up companies grow and succeed by giving them free or cheap space, mentorship, industry knowledge, access to investors, and, in some cases, cash in the form of a loan. Crypto incubators are similar to this. 

Crypto incubators can be crucial to your company’s success if appropriately implemented. You are undoubtedly better suited to have a crypto incubator if you have a general notion of what you want your blockchain technology to accomplish. These experts will help you shape your idea and pitch it to investors. 

With a crypto incubator, you will be provided with an office space and the tools you need for your research. Also, you could be trained to write a business plan that will help you develop a workable plan outlining how to use your idea to make money. 

Here are the top eight incubators/incubation programs that invest in African-based crypto projects. 

Top Crypto Incubators For Africa

1. The Binance Labs Incubation Program 

The Binance Labs Incubation Program is a chain-neutral initiative to enable creative projects to influence the direction of Web 3. Binance Labs customized the program’s framework to fulfill founder requirements by drawing on a wide range of resources from the broader Binance ecosystem.

Since 2018, Binance Labs has invested in more than 200 projects from more than 25 countries, including African startups such as Gamic Guild, Bundle, and Xend Finance. 

2. DeFi Alliance 

DeFi Alliance is a decentralized finance incubation that assists startups in obtaining funding and assistance from a vast industry network. The DeFi Alliance Network consists of trade companies, entrepreneurs, and investors.

Since its founding in 2020, DeFi Alliance has helped over 90 startups, including some of the top African crypto projects.

3. Magic Fund

Magic Fund is a Los Angeles, California-based venture capital fund established in 2017. The company majorly invests in startups in the consumer goods and services, fintech, and healthcare industries.

They support entrepreneurs who are tackling complex problems all across the world at their pre-seed or seed stages. They have financed Over 80 tech firms worldwide.

4. Draper Goren Holm

Draper Goren Holm is a financial venture studio dedicated to accelerating and fostering early-stage blockchain firms. The firm was founded in 2018 by Tim Draper, Alon Goren, and Josef Holm  and has backed up 18 startups.

5. EFG EV Fintech

EFG-EV Fintech is a startup accelerator/early-stage venture capital fund created and founded to foster, encourage, and empower financial technology businesses ready to challenge the status quo in the financial services industry and contribute to the growth of the Fintech ecosystem in Egypt. 

The company funds investment opportunities in the fintech, insurtech, regtech, proptech, blockchain, and IT sectors and has made 13 investments since it started in 2018. 

6. GreenHouse Lab

GreenHouse Lab is a three-month accelerator that only works with early-stage, female-led, or female-focused technology start-ups in Africa and African-run start-ups with offices abroad and goods that are marketable in Africa. It is the first program of its kind in Nigeria. It has invested in leading companies like Flutterwave, Max, and Wallets since its founding in 2018. 

7. Startupbootcamp Afritech 

Startupbootcamp Afritec is a renowned incubator focusing on finding entrepreneurs in the blockchain and connected devices industries. It targets high-growth startups in the following areas: blockchain, connected devices, payment solutions, capital markets and asset management, integrated supply chain, e-commerce, retailtech, insurtech, alternative financing, identity management, digital connectivity, data and behavioral analytics, and enabling technologies. 

Startupbootcamp Afritec has made over 13 startup investments, some of which include Cowdyvest, Parc smart, Vooli mobile insurance app, and Agrodata. 

8. GBIC (Global Blockchain Innovative Capital) 

GBIC (Global Blockchain Innovative Capital) is a global fund for blockchain technology, a crypto incubator, and a project accelerator. It encourages the creation, acceleration, and launch of a 4-month program of workshops, training, development, mentor sessions, and community events by setting up meetings between investors and top blockchain experts.


One of the best things about a crypto incubator is the chance to have an expert refine your ideas. It will also allow you to interact with others working in the field. As your business grows, the connections you make in an incubator could be beneficial.

Just as a premature baby is kept in an incubator to help it survive and mature enough to stay in the outside world, these crypto incubators help nurture and groom business ideas to mature and generate revenue. 

Crypto incubation programs have well-known business owners, venture capitalists, marketing experts, IT experts, and other mentors who show new businesses a clear path to success.

Your training with a crypto incubator can take months, and you may have to move to a certain place during it. Your crypto project should be prepared to be pitched to investors after the training. You could go to venture capital firms or look for angel investors to get money for your project, which is now fully developed.


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